Year End

2019: Fearlessness and Forgiveness

December 30, 2019

Time to close the door of this decade and open the one leading to a new one

I cant believe 2019 is about to end! This whole decade, actually! It all went by in a blink; entered this decade an emo girl who loves black and band shirts and am exiting it in dresses and heels.

Anyways, I just want to share that 2019 was such a great year! It brought me more grit and strength but oddly enough, it also witnessed a much more softer, vulnerable side of me. Here's to my annual year end post dedicated to the biggest lessons I gained this year and just like the title, will gear towards being fearless and forgiving!

To err is human, to forgive is divine...sorta

Made peace with some people....and made peace signs at random times lol

One of the things I mentioned before in my blog is that I wished to be much more forgiving this 2019. While I believe it's not 100% a success judging by old personalities long gone from my life suddenly appearing and trying to get in touch yet I dodge them off like their parasites (Another thing I learned: I can't force myself to open up and forgive if what they do is really not worth any reconciliation), I did remain civil with people I never imagined to get in touch with again.

One such example was forgiving my first love. The heartbreak he gave me was the most exquisite pain that took quite a while to forget, though not as long as how long I've been praying for a person like him to come to my life before he came. It took three years of realizing the future I want will definitely not be including him. I never thought I'd be speaking to him again but I'm quite glad we're both far from how immature and selfish we once were and are now adults who just laugh off some of our past mistakes and still retain the mutual respect we have for each other.

There are other ways of forgiveness I had to exhibit this year which for me, is a strong feat considering I keep my ire for people for so long.

But of course, I tell myself if the gravity of the sin is much too deep, from spreading fake information to the public (or at least to many schoolmates) to sexual harassment bordering on rape (nope not ever) to theft (I know who stole my wallet I lost earlier this year and you bet I'm this short from suing), nope, man don't think it will earn forgiveness from me. Rot in hell, I suppose

To all the boys I've loved...err...liked

The cup holder is basically me the past few years

What year won't be complete with the rare few who made me feel something lovely and wonderful? I've been single for nearly three years and the dating part is not as steady unless I do date someone exclusively. But to these few guys who happened to catch my heart at different periods of this year, they all served a special reminder to me not to settle just because I remained unattached for a while.

A guy I went out with earlier this year reminded me that no matter how much he could provide materially, if he doesn't get your principles and beliefs, won't ever be the right person for you. I found myself being spoken down in a matter that was sexist which triggered my feminist self. I was told during the breakup my job as a journalist doesn't contribute much to society because I don't pay high taxes like him. To be honest, I knew at first it was not going to last but boy, is going out with this guy a staunch reminder why I don't want to have a boyfriend in the first place.

The second person I met this year was a person I was sure I will end up with but no matter how sure I was with him, if things aren't meant to be they just won't be. I was confident with myself as a person but I ended up asking myself what was wrong with me for never being chosen in the end. I'm always in this situation where I'm either too much for a guy or not enough. I believe the biggest lesson in love I learned is to the right person, I'll be enough. Just like how I saw through this person's shortcomings, he was still enough for me to choose him at that moment and someday someone will feel the same way with me.

But what makes 2019 memorable in terms of feelings is that I realized I am capable of feeling like I can settle down because this one guy (hulaan niyo sino sila)already made me believe I don't need to look elsewhere or expect much more. Of course it didn't work out but at least it's a confirmation to myself that, after almost two years of wondering if I'll ever be in love again because of how terrible things ended in my last relationship, 2019 saw me a much softer person in love but a stronger woman to attain. Will I feel it again? No doubt but with the right person. At least conviction that I'm not a heartless cat lady who barks away potential suitors (true story in 2017).

To be not to be...yet not quite

Hard work gets recognized, eventually 

2019 is the year of PAKAPALAN NG MUKHA. I found myself being much more confident in submitting stories to journalism awards although I was realistic enough to know that I need to improve more in my craft and produce better stories so I can increase my chances of recognition. But, it never hurts to try submitting whatever, right? Also, I dedicated it going to lectures that I feel will improve me as a journalist.

This year also challenged me as a writer. Last year, I tried to cope with the difficulties of being in a beat that isn't the easiest but this year, I find myself trying to master a new card game that is on a sector I seem to have lots of opinions on. It is quite an adjustment that I still am trying to fit myself in to this day and comes with trials much more than trying to drill whatever source you have for news and exclusives A new beat comes with different demands; various personalities to deal with; and lastly, a reading audience I never thought I'll be put up with.

I experienced a ton of highs and lows in my job, emphasis on the lows because it did make me want to quit and be in a job where I'm living privately without people I never met accusing me I'm this and that for news I report or simply because how they perceive me as a person. It's kinda overwhelming for a person my age and experience but I look at everything given to me these days as a privilege that I need to prove myself worthy of for it to remain or prosper. I still have a long way to go.

To infinity and beyond...or at least, in the near future

The shirt says it all

Last but not the least, this year has made me evaluate the future I set for myself as a fresh grad armed with an English degree and the determination to pursue higher education and teach young minds. Taking the writing route made me realize that as much as I love teaching, it isn't for me just yet. I need to find myself--cliche, but true--in order to share wisdom to the kiddos. I still feel like a restless sponge who is in need of new knowledge and skills to face this world, just like the students I'm supposed to teach.

Painful as it was to admit to myself, but I had to bid goodbye to the dream of being a Linguistics or Literature professor who will publish lots of journals related to my field. I already collected pieces of stories I will teach in my future class and have photocopied them from the library for that purpose. It was a bittersweet realization that the field of English, which I set my heart on for four years of my college life, won't be the "purpose" of my life anymore after spending over a year in Journalism.

Higher education is still in the books for me yet the conviction I once had to reach until my doctorate has weakened somehow, not because I cannot take it anymore but more of how I want to pace my life to the newer goals and passion I set for myself. Wait, I don't think "new" is the right term but more of, "tweaked" because the purpose of why I want to teach is to serve PARA SA BAYAN, always. Except now, I'll be doing it in a different and much more personal way that I believe will be more feasible to the skill and knowledge I currently have from nearly two years since I graduated.

Of course, I still dream now and then of wearing my doctorate cap and toga but I found that it isn't the only thing fueling my purpose on why I work and exist, since that was the end goal for me when i was still studying in college. A part of me still longs to add another title after the LPT that comes next to my last name and for now, I'll be content with an MA. What Masterals will I take now that Dr. Gillian Cortez, LPT, M.Ed., PhD is a 4 year old dream I don't want so much anymore?  Teaching will definitely be there for me down the line and Teacher Gill is still a huge possibility but what field? We'll find out very soon, both you dear reader and a very confused yet somehow assured me.


2019 doesn't deserve congratulatory letters but rather, deserves a notice saying "Work in Progress" because I won't define my 2019 self for the many unfinished business I had. I believe a new year, a new decade will be a nice transition from where I left off in 2019 while it will open a brand new world of experiences and possibilities . Dare I say, I'll be better this time.

What the Maguindanao Massacre Means to a Young Journo

December 22, 2019

Promulgation printscreen from PTV-4 livestream


The much awaited promulgation of the Maguindanao Massacre, a gruesome event that every Filipino knows about, happened after 10 years since the murders transpired. The verdict? Recognizable names from the powerful Ampatuan clan, namely Andal Jr. and Zaldy, and a slew of others were convicted beyond reasonable doubt for the crime. Eight of the Ampatuan respondents and other police officials were sentenced to reclusion perpetua, others convicted will be give six to ten years due to being accessories to the crime.


This was a trial whose chapters unfolded as I grew up. I was a young teen when I first read and heard about the massacre and I recall how the major dailies' headlines were emblazoned with this news. I remember before Facebook even became the primary source of news for most people, I was able to see uncensored photos of the crime in my Multiply account. Eyes dangling out, heads blown off, chests slashed off, I soon learned most of these mutilated corpses were journalists. This massacre not only showcased how politics are dirty in the Philippines but also just how the media, whose job is to report the truth on these events, are caught in the middle.

I've always wanted to write about how this feels for me as a young reporter not only because the partial decision was released last Thursday but because this is an event that is hammered in every Filipino's head for the past ten years. When I think of the Maguindanao Massacre, I think of mutilated bodies recovered from the soil and shriveled metal vehicles a number of those victims rode in.

When I was a kid, I knew I wanted to write and the thought of getting into newswriting was still something I'm trying to grasp if it was a profession I wanted to pursue but not once did this event scare me off that thought. Aren't there risks even before this one that we're already aware of once we enter the field of writing news? I even had a friend who told me he couldn't be fully happy for me because even if he's proud, he's worried about how especially today journalists are faced with obstacles that risk our lives, whether you're there in conflict areas or at home typing. Because for others, the news you report is a threat.

I'd like to believe that news is the truth...and is someone's freedom.

When I decided to actually pursue reporting for a newspaper, I recall during an interview when my editor asked me if the job entails me to that if I was willing to go to then war-torn Marawi at any moment or cover a bombing somewhere in the Metro to which I immediately replied yes. Not even without thinking. Not because I say it thoughtlessly just to get hired. I said yes because if that time comes, I'm not afraid to deliver news.

I haven't been in the industry long enough to feel wise yet I guess one of the realizations that is hardest to swallow is knowing telling the news is just that; telling the news. Sure, it's a start for a bigger action that will be done to address social maladies but as a writer who also wants to help society, I know I can't do anything more than what I write. Being a labor and health reporter since last year, I could report about mass retrenchment of employees or dengue outbreaks but a part of me feels helpless because I wish I could do so much more even if I don't know what kind of capability is needed to do so.

Back to the Maguindanao Massacre, I was with many watching the livestream of the promulgation and cried when I heard the conviction. That's ten years of these victims' families' pursuit of justice. Also, I read the decision over the weekend. I'm not halfway done yet some words that stuck with me is how the media killed in the convoy of the Mangudadatu camp where killed because the murderers knew, they will report the events. And by killing them, they thought they will be silenced.

So I will tell you what this partial decision means to me not only as a writer who grew up knowing the grim happenings but as a Filipino: it means that evil won't go unscathed. Even if you try your best to silence the truth, the truth will always find a way to come out and justice will always prevail.

This part of the testimony of one of the witnesses brought chills to my back.

As for risks, there are many entities and organizations out there a journalist reports about who have allegedly done horrible things. I recall reading the victims' relatives in the partial decision and how they expressed worry when they learned their loved one will be covering a risky coverage between two political rivals that morning of November 23, 2009. Fear is part of the job but what isn't supposed to be is how you will kill a journalist for doing their job. It's a crime that you're supposed to rot in jail for.

But one of the the things that definitely worries me is how recently, some sectors have successfully pit the public against the media. How speculations that are unverified have threatened the lives of many in the industry and now media is considered an enemy of sorts. I always wonder where do we draw the line between risk journalists signed up for from the abusive behavior of people who think they can push it farther? In this country, how do writers like me and many others feel safe in reporting about the truth?

Why You Should Be An English Major!

December 15, 2019

So many doors will open for you only if you allow yourself to be the best you can be and won't let your degree limit you, regardless of your bachelor.

Some Person: "Ano course mo?"
Me *Thinks this person is pertaining to "program" than course but whatevs* English po
Some Person: Ahhh so marunong ka mag-Ingles!

Hello guys! I'm back to writing in my blog after a hectic few months at work! For this post, I won't impose on anyone why my degree was the best choice for me despite getting accepted in mostly Journalism and Mass Communication programs in other universities but I am definitely proud to share why my degree has been absolutely helpful in many ways. Always remember though that all programs are different and others are best for different people but if you have been eyeing to pursue AB English or BSE English, here are reasons you should definitely give this a go!

1. English is beyond the typical language and reading

In DLSU, I chose English as my first course over Communication Arts and Organizational Communication because I was interested in the field of Linguistics and Literature. Linguistics is my favorite because this is beyond grammar rules you were taught as gradeschoolers and high schoolers; I had one major where a professor during our first day of class bluntly proclaimed to our confused class "THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS GRAMMAR" and yes, it lead me to an existential crisis hehe. You will learn that grammar is a societal and cultural thing embedded in our textbooks as something formal but not what is set in stone.

Literature is another interest I have because I love reading but if you're an English major, you're not only exposed to just American and English Lit but also tons of local and world Lit. I'm thankful that through my major I grew love for not just the classic Western authors but also even local writers and even BC (Before Christ) era ones or even contemporary, millennial writers.

Also, at least while I was still studying, I had professors who found ways to use lessons as a way to open up to society issues. I had a prof whose class also served as Gender studies for me and I learned a whole lot. I also had another professor who taught us about theater and the arts as one way to improve confidence in public speaking.

English is fun! I still find myself being a nerd whenever I speak of less-spoken about literary masterpieces that are short stories (Here's an O Henry piece that isn't "The Last leaf" and is my personal favorite!) and poetry (I love introducing Jose Garcia Villa to anyone who'll listen especially "The Bashful One" and "Emperor's New Sonnet") or explain some sociolingustic trends such as codeswitching (or ~~conyo language~~ to the common people which is actually more complicated and not as you think) and swardspeak (aka Beki speak which I did a research on this back in college and read the pioneer research on this that actually dates back in the 70s!).

2. Having an education background helps in other ways 

Being a BSE English graduate, I also had Eduk units. So besides having the opportunity to learn in the fields of Linguistics and Literature, I also had Professional Education courses. Maybe if teaching is not your cup of tea, you won't enjoy lesson plan making or classroom management learning but listen up! Teaching for me is a test of patience and grit. You have to remember how to make your lessons timely and appropriate for your class and execute it well enough in class. I had difficulty in teaching back in college because I was more of a writer than a speaker but it built my confidence as time went by because I learned to teach in front of large class sizes and even learn how to manage everything in one hour.

As a writer, although I don't writer lesson plans or create tests in my line of work, the patience and diskarte being a teacher entails you to earn had benefited me in so many ways especially with tight deadlines and dealing with difficult personalities in Journalism.

Having also a background in education means also you are trained in research. I will tell you how research training came in handy, from finding other ways to pursue results to abiding by writing ethics such as detecting plagiarism. In DLSU, this was a HUGE deal for us so I was taught to not only do my citations well to avoid plagiarism but also detect plagiarism.

Also, having eduk units means you are qualified to take the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) and if you pass the test, you will have a PRC ID and that means exemption from taking any Civil Service related test! (You hit two birds with one stone here).

3. Teaching English is a necessity

People already associate English with English teachers and that isn't a bad thing! Having English as the other official language of the Philippines, everyone locally definitely needs to learn to master it. Besides learning English being in demand locally, there are also opportunities to teach it abroad especially with so many bilateral agreements (To name a few, check this and this by yours truly ajejeje)

I won't lie and say it's easy to teach English if your students speak a different language at home and with others because it is a challenge yet what noble profession doesn't have any share of difficulties? It's a rewarding feeling when you teach students especially with skills they will need in the future such as writing and speaking.

Also, English classes are a great opportunity to teach kids HOW TO VALIDATE SOURCES. In this era of fake news, media and internet literacy is a must know for everyone. English teachers can weave in these lessons and I can't stress enough how schools definitely need this and English teachers, with our papers and research we assign to our students, we need to emphasize this to the young ones!

Another thing you can consider when you're in English is that language and literature are useful venues to discuss society issues. How about holding debates on current issues for your speech classes? Also, when I used to teach English back in my practicum, I taught poetry and incorporated some real life issues while analyzing with my students. It's daring, sure, but English for me isn't only a personal skill but also a societal instrument.

4. It doesn't only lead to teaching

Many of my blockmates in English are now amazing educators in great schools but I will also share that some are also pursuing other fields. A number I know are in law school which I believe English is one of the best pre-law programs because major classes you're required to take in English are going to be more useful for practising law. One branch of Linguistics is Stylistics and I had a class solely dedicated to that. Stylistics focuses on the interpretation of texts, so that will depend on many given factors such as words used together and its context and even how, where, why it is written. It still stands as one of my favorite majors as an English grad which I think will be immensely useful for Law students out there.

Wanna work in PR and Marketing? English too also provides a great training for that. Besides the numerous writing and speech classes we are required to take which makes it great when you write press releases and in hosting, the training in being creative with presentations also serves as a practice for when you pitch in for ideas on promotion of brands, goods, services.

English is also a great degree to have if you want to pursue higher education in Literature. While of course, Literature is still the best undergrad if you want to pursue Literature, I'll also share how some Literature professors I know actually pursued the same undergraduate program I did and are now amazing writers especially after they finished their MA and PhD in Literature.

If your writing goal is more journalist than novelist (may kilala akong ganyan), I will attest that having an English background is extremely relevant in your career path. I use my analysis and interpretation skills I learned from my English majors classes on a number of news, laws, documents, and others I have to write about. I also apply a lot of research ethics in my work and also the patience I have in dealing with various student personalities with different people in my work.

English is beyond teaching, language, and linguistics. 

I feel like being an English Major has defined so much of me as a person. If someday you do believe that having an English degree will be the best path for you, I will tell you that you will not regret it! ❤️❤️❤️

Feeling "left behind"

October 13, 2019

I'm about to turn a year older this week (LIBRA SZN) and I guess, the fact that I'm already officially into my mid-20s makes me reflect on what I've done so far.

I watch people my age do it all: have high paying jobs; travel a lot; get married; have kids. Here I am, nearly two years since I graduated college and since I joined the labor force, somehow feeling a little pressured to achieve the same but am realistic enough to know the kinds of means and job I have.

I will lie if I told you I never wished that things were a little easier to afford everything. I felt a little disappointed recently because a solo trip I planned to take abroad on my birthday week won't be feasible with the funds I currently have, which is reserved for grad school next year. It does bother me how at my age, I worry too much of expenditures which happen way fast when you don't earn too much. And it gives you that self-loathing that you can't be like people your age who are enjoying the best of their 20s in some airplane to anywhere.

Sometimes I feel bad too because I feel I could be helping out a little more with the house expenses or maybe afford to spend on my parents' insurance since they aren't getting any younger. I feel like a failure sometimes, because I can't seem to insure myself too when I need to. Or pay for health expenses for myself without sacrificing an arm and a leg. Or afford to pay for a house installment so I can finally own property.

Sometimes,  I feel like I'm pushing my long term goals aside for doing what I am at the present. How about having an MA and PhD before 30? I do feel a little envious when I see my friends in college pursue postgrad right now, wondering if I'll get to afford it soon enough.

But I digress....

You see, maybe I'm experiencing a lot of setbacks but I'm not as left behind as I seem to be. Sure, I don't earn much, but I'm not in debt even if I only earn enough to spend on day to day expenses. It does suck that lots of luxuries I thought I can afford are out of reach at the moment, but it won't be that way always. Maybe not now, but I know I'll be given better opportunities in the future that could open much more doors and maybe allow me to spend a little more as much as I'll be able to save.

Maybe I'm not getting married or having kids at my age, when people I know in their mid 20s are already having stable relationships. I'm young and I sometimes laugh to myself as to why others scare me into settling now or I won't be as ripe and lovely in the future. Makes me wonder why people think of falling in love these days as a rat race. Rats are ugly, fyi and so is doing things in haste.

Also, how many people my age can have the passion to do things they are now without asking a huge chunk in return? I know, I know. I must be so idealistic and romantic in this frickin economy, but I'm just happy that I'm learning so much lessons that I know if I had taken the higher paying jobs back then, I won't have the kind of intellectual and emotional capital I am gaining as a reporter.

 I recall going out with this entrepreneur and when I asked what drives him to be where he was, he would always say money and material things. It kinda made me sad because the wisdom and knowledge I gained from the field isn't something that can feed me as he actually pointed out (I know. He's a jerk), but god damn it will open doors and hell yeah I am doing something I am so passionate about. As long as the only person I'm supporting so far is me and I have my family's blessing in allowing me to immerse myself in this grueling field of journalism, why would I take the route that will only make me financially happy but make me emotionally and intellectually deprived?

Also, I pat myself in the back because I reached this place in my life without a silver spoon and as someone who fought her way through the stigma people had about me in the industry. No. I wasn't privileged enough to have a wide network of reporter friends prior to entering the field nor be financially supported by my parents because the pay isn't high. I'm doing things on my own and at my own pace and demand.

So in case you feel that you're left behind for someone your age, just remember this: there is nothing that defines achievement because achievement is different for everyone and for every age. Maybe I feel I can push myself more but am I far behind? Not at all! And so what if I don't have what others have? They don't have what I could only achieve and appreciate which is beyond earning lots of money or owning expensive things. My own achievements were tailor fit for me and will lead to something more.

Make me feel at ease

September 27, 2019

My doors are open this time, indeed

I've had quite the colorful crush/love life in the past few years despite the absence of any steady boyfriend (for about almost 3 years now). While I'm not a serial dater, I did have my fair share of people I went out with, whether for just one date or went steady for months. I won't lie that there were an extreme few(one or two) that made me feel something real, that it's not just about having something fun and casual but also having some actual couple-esque trials. Dare I say...but maybe one I did fall in love with.

It's this stage of dating in my early twenties that allowed me to think of who I want to be with for my next relationship.

I guess this long singlehood spiel isn't enough for me to rush into anything serious. I'm not that desperate but I'm not scared either. I've met a guy not too long ago whom I declared internally that he will be one I will be with for the long term yet it never worked out but I've also met guys who declare to the world that they will be with me for marriage yet I cut the cord on them. It's weird that this aspect of "Coming across" love (I refuse to call it "Finding" or "Chasing" love because no besh. Di ako naghahanap) is a fluctuating trend: I will feel the high of getting to know someone amazing but at the same time, find myself shouting and scaring away a potential suitor.

But who do I really want?

I know I mentioned it before but I love being in love. I'm a hopeless romantic. Despite saying all that and imagining all my old friends rolling their eyes (because they know all the history! Haha!), I'm also a realist. Truth be told, the first 18 months of my adulting life since graduating is quite different to my final year in college. I find myself much more interested in my work, in learning about the industry, in immersing myself in the actual world of a journalist.

For me, my life is a tornado of so much joy and accomplishment but also a lot of risk and pain. It has been fast-paced and extremely mobile.

And I won't deny that it somewhat mirrors a lot of guys I happened to like along the way: those who make my heart pound rapidly as blood flushes through my cheeks. I seem to get a thrill and high when I'm into someone. In every love novel and movie, being struck smitten by someone always seems to be as if you're on the verge of hyperventilating.

But for me, I will settle with the one that makes me calm. I notice I almost never end up dating my crushes and with good reason: I tend to be shy. I can't even look at them in the eye. And with that, I tend to embarrass myself whenever I watch myself not be all over the place so I don't end up being embarrassing but fail anyways. Liking my crushes are never quite deep enough for me to want anything more but how I like that the mere presence, thought, or mention of a crush makes me happy.

The person who makes me calm, however, is someone I am not ashamed to speak my mind to. Guys I tend to crush on are guys who make my heart rush but how many guys have entered my life and make me feel the same way? The world seems to be full with the tall and handsome type who make many girls berserk but very rarely there'll be an occurrence I meet a guy I can look in the eye and feel comfortable being myself with.

And these strange creatures tend to be the most unassuming types that most people never expect me to go for. Of course I'll have a crush on someone dashing, duh! What girl won't? But to equate this person with someone I see myself with? I can't even be myself enough which I feel is more important over any perfectly handsome guy.

I've said this many times and I will say it again: I will stick with the one who makes me feel at ease. The one who understands that I'm not the prettiest girl in the room nor the smartest one either, but I have so much to say and I want to hear out everything that you want to say, too. I want to look at you in the eye and not be shy to reveal what my eyes can only express because I won't be judged by you...because probably you'd feel the same way. I don't want to worry if I am too close because I'm affectionate by nature to the one I feel immense connection with. So many guys have entered my life and made me feel sparks but in the end, I will go for the one who makes me feel safe and secure.

When I like someone, I really go all out with emotions. I guess this is why I'm still so closed up with guys after my last relationship because I realize the guys I did date the past few years were guys who never made me feel things are easy. I mean, love isn't supposed to be easy but I don't want to fall for struggle either especially when I have had my heart broken countless of times. I fight for my feelings but I've become more of a realist after a long time of reflecting on my singlehood.

So have I found that one person who truly encapsulates who I want to be with? Maybe along the way I did but God knows why I still haven't settled. My doors are open to anyone, though. They always have been despite me still being a little reserved. It will always welcome the right one for me.

I HATE HIGHSCHOOL: How I endured and survived bullying

July 28, 2019

I didn't have much pictures of myself in highschool but I noticed I always looked sad in the eyes

This is a post that consists of over six years of emotions since I left the hell hole that is my old highschool. 

If you know me well, you will know that I despise my highschool life. While most people look back at their highschool life wistfully, reminisce about how times were simpler and fun, I look back at mine with such disdain because it really was a living hell. Maybe you'll think I'm over-exaggerating at how nightmarish my life then was, but I will tell you that remembering my times in highschool comes with an ache in the chest.

 It reminded me of how people are awful and how schools have a long way to go in addressing this. 

My first encounter with the bullying was when I was new in highschool. It came from the older batches who made fun of how I spoke English a lot (It's my first language) but other than that, I honestly don't know why lots of the bullying remained and expanded or why I have gotten so much hate. Was it because I was different? Or because I tried not to fit in?

I tried to fit in but I saw lots of "conditions" that I didn't want to put up with. I didn't want to drink and do drugs. I obviously didn't want to be pressured to date among the circles just for the sake of having a boyfriend (And highschool palang, ang taas ng standards ko charaught). I didn't like to get involved in petty drama of cliques and groups. I didn't want to like music and shows they like. I had dreams to study in the good schools while others thought I couldn't make it.

I was pretty much a loner in highschool. An outcast.

I was touted as the "Weird" one all throughout highschool. I stayed alone most of the time during recess and lunch, just writing poetry in my notebooks or reading novels. I listened to lots of indie music that sounded like "funeral music" or just "plain weird" to my classmates. 

I was touted as "mayabang" because I never took one for the team, and by that meaning I never helped anyone in terms of academics. Why will I involve myself in cheating? Because you'll bully me less? I was considered "mayabang" because I did well in school, took on challenges that caught people off guard (like that one time I was asked to memorize and recite half of the periodic table with only 2 hours to memorize just so the Chemistry teacher will sign my exam clearance) and refused to help others or ask help from anyone. I was called "mayabang" because I was not on top of the batch but I still tried my luck--and succeeded--in passing the good universities.

Call me selfish, but my dad struggled to pay my tuition and I'm not going to give in to threats even if you hurt me.

People thought I was "balat sibuyas" because I cried easily. Cry easily? I was massively bullied in a physical way. I had text books thrown my way and was pushed around by BOYS. BOYS WHO THINK WERE BETTER THAN ME EVEN IF THEY HAD NOTHING TO OFFER. BOYS WHO TREAT WOMEN LIKE INFERIORS AND WHEN I SAID SOMETHING ABOUT HOW THEY TREATED ME, THEY GET MORE VIOLENT AND SPEAK EVEN MORE ILL.

There were girls who did treat me awfully but coming from an all-girls school, I can defend myself. I know how girls are in fights or bullying. But boys are different. I can win word wars and debates but they will always be bigger and stronger than me which they use as their physical advantage to hurt me.

The most hurtful part was even if I had some teachers who defended me and still am grateful for until this day, there were a lot who tell me this bullying from my batchmates was "normal behaviour." I had a guy teacher tell me once "Dapat marunong ka umitindi ng joke" when I was sent a letter by a classmate who threatened to kill me. I had a teacher who just didn't care that my classmates were already bullying me right in front of him--because he favored those guys. I had one teacher who told me I was "overreacting" when I blottered a bully of mine in the precinct because of how bad the bullying got. These are figures who still believe how I was treated was my fault and how I making a move to address it was not my right.

The bullying also took a toll on me emotionally. I didn't want to go to school because it meant having to come up with ways to ignore the bullying. If it gets bad enough that I need to stand up for myself, I needed to think of ways to fight back. There were times that class officers and teachers would get mad at me for trying to defend myself since stuff like that can be ignored and will eventually die down. Believe me, being in the bullied end of the situation, ignoring isn't easy and it actually made it worst since it provokes bullies to become monsters even more.

I was always the bad guy for having to fight back and put bullies in their places,for having them earn serious offenses, for getting them suspended from school. I never asked for pity or remorse from anyone in highschool because I was physically and verbally bullied but boy, I never asked to be scrutinized and hated on more for standing up to the abuse.

I coped with highschool by never losing track of my goals, knowing little steps will lead me to a great school and eventually, my dreams. Writing creatively was a hobby that was therapeutic and even if people looked down on me for that (I recall a girl scoffing when I told her I wanted to be a writer or journalist when every girl in the batch wanted to be a flight attendant), I still went for it. I still recall the sneers I get from classmates when I applied to all these schools, far from the small town in Taguig I lived in and too many too count. I refused to be like the others who would only go to a college to be with their friends or because it didn't have an entrance exam. I wanted to challenge myself because I knew, it would mean a ticket out of here.

I also coped by having a few teachers who supported me and understood the situation I was in. I still appreciate those who signed all my recommendation letters to college or those who will tell me I will do good in life. I am also grateful for the extremely few friends from other batches who did stand up for me.

I'll be honest but lot of the past bullying still affected me even when I got into college. I always tell myself when I got into DLSU that "You're out of that shit hole now" but when there were those rare times I had to open up about my highschool life, I'd cry. 4 years of bullying isn't a joke. I'd be humiliated to talk about where I come from because there is still anger of how bullying could have been avoided by both the students and the administration. 

To be honest, I find it hard to keep in touch with the few friends and acquaintances I had in highschool. In college and even now that I work, I do experience some bullying although not as awful as highschool and yet, I feel the support of my actual friends and colleagues standing up for me. I don't think I can stay friends with some of my batchmates who were kind to me but indifferent to the bullying and even are close friends (or dating!) my bullies. 

One of the worst things that happened in highschool was how so many people were witnesses to bullying that was borderline assault and yet, others kept quiet or even lied about the situation. I was always painted as the crazy, overly sensitive one. I don't think I can ever forgive a number of batchmates who lied or denied how our classmates bullied me just because they are their friend or so the situation won't blow up more. I will never forget whispers of "Tropa ka namin kasi!" after teachers would question about the bullying incidents and tell them I'm lying, even if I had bumps and bruises and overly swollen eyes from crying.

It took me a while to grasp why people in that highschool bullied me. I tried my best not to mess with anyone and just minded my own business then so what made me a target or the enemy? I will never know the real answers but that doesn't mean I want to speak about it with those who messed up my highschool life. As much as possible, I just don't want to face those people ever again. Maybe ten, 15, 20 years after my highschool graduation, I'll be the girl who will never attend the reunions and probably won't be invited to one anyway. 

For my highschool, highschool life was only about them because they rule the school and I'm just a blemish that needs to be eradicated. And you know what? They succeeded in making me feel so shit about myself. Yet  I want to thank them because it's all the pain they put me through that inspired me to work harder for better opportunities, because I know I'm better than them. They just don't want me to be ahead.

These people, their whole life is about highschool and still remains to be. They will still remain there, boxed in the glory days of how they stepped on people like me, while I'm here looking ahead of what life has to offer. 

It's only me who can open doors to my future

In Defense of the Selfie Lords

July 05, 2019

Yes, I have my own folder in my phone for selfies

A long time ago, I stumbled across an article from Allure that inspired me to write this blog post nearly a year later. Entitled "Selfie Stigma: Who Loses When We Condemn Vanity?", it states that selfies come of as a result of vanity, and vanity comes off as something that is egotistic and silly like who has all the energy and power to take 1282939383939 selfies of herself?

What prompted me to write this is as a self-confessed selfie addict, I don't exactly take two hours to get ready everyday nor do I obsess with my looks every minute. If I do, I see  nothing wrong with it. So why do people have the impression that as someone whose IG stories or Snapchats are filled with my face, I'm someone who does not care about anything more?

Like what the writer Sable Yong says "Selfies are harmless." They ARE harmless, yes, but somehow people take so much offense or disgust when all you put out in your social media content is your face.

What also urged me to write this down is how one night out with a friend, he said with an underlying annoyance "Yeah you do post a lot of selfies! You're so vain." Sometimes, I hear conversations of people I know in social media, proudly saying they unfollow people because all they do is post about their face.

I write about this today because it came to the point that people ask me if my life is anything more interesting to post about other than my face. To be honest, it kinda hurts as a girl who took years to finally accept what she looked like. Years ago, I can't even look at myself in the mirror. I don't smile properly nor do I know my angles. I run like lightning at the mere point of some camera facing me.

I learned to take that around. I learned to practice smiling or angle my face so I don't look sloppy. The more I practiced, the more I loosened up when people took pics of me and ultimately, I learned to utilize my camera phone for my own selfie pleasure.

So yes, selfies for me are personal.

Para solb lahat; selfie without a face! Charot!

But why do people seem to have a problem with it? To be honest, I can never tell and just like my selfies, these people have their own personal reasons. I guess what makes me offended is how they take pride that they are better off people by saying they don't need to post their pictures as much as I do--and I don't even post as much as others!

I do believe it is wrong to judge people by how much they post pictures of themselves. I wonder how come others make a huge deal out of what others do that isn't even hurting anyone. We're free to respond a certain way to actions of others but I do feel it is uncalled for to fit a person's personality by how much they are so absorbed in taking photos. It's also wrong when you measure your whole self as a person by thinking you're better than people who do things you don't do--especially if that activity isn't even a crime!

But when are posting selfies wrong? Personally, I think it becomes wrong when your whole worth as a person is reliant on the reception of your selfies. I guess many have been been there: posted a nice picture of themselves and not getting the ideal amount of likes and hearts. I haven't gone to that stage to be honest, because whether I get no likes or over 400 my face is still MY FACE. At least, I'm aware that how I think I look pretty in a selfie doesn't always equate to my real worth and being--I know I'm much more than a click or your reaction to it.

Also, selfies become wrong if you think beauty is only in the eyes of the camera phone. I can tell you that no matter how much I try to take the perfect photo of myself, it can never truly encapsulate how I look in person. If people think I'm more beautiful or less gorge in person, it's up to them. All I know is I just took a damn selfie. Why do I need to calculate my fairness meter through it?

To those people who make a huge deal with their friends posting vanity pics, why not support them? Sure it can get on your nerves, the never ending "Mukha na naman!" feeling, but remember: selfies are personal and harmless. If it didn't bother them posting their own face out there for the world to see, then it shouldn't bother you too.

Accepting that how I look isn't determined by how I look in the camera, filter or no filter

To Gill, With the Broken Heart

April 19, 2019

Note: This was something I wrote late last year. I decided not to post it because maybe I found it too personal but looking through some stuff in my drafts, I read this again and decided maybe it's time. I'm proud of what I did last year and my continuing progress into this 2019. This shows that nothing will stop me from being the best person I can be when I'm not exactly the one for someone.

Note #2: I don't like this person anymore ewww we don't stan insecure, spoiled men 

You can never bring me down. Photo by Lance Kristoff Cortez
To Gill, with a broken heart:

So maybe your heart still beats for the same person after all this time since the start of this year, as 2018 is about to close

Didn't you want to break it off anyway? Didn't you make that choice to be someone he doesn't need at this very moment? Or maybe you just fell for his tricks of him saying he never deserved you and he just wanted someone else? Guys, have their ways, you know.

But you, you have your ways, too and it's beyond amazing than you ever imagined.

Wasn't February the day you finally graduated from the university you dreamt to study in as a little girl? That very same one you passed your first choice program in? The place you chose after passing another university you wanted to get into? That same university with the most admirable people who left a mark on you, knowing what goals you wanted to achieve in life. You came there for a Bachelor's Degree, but you left with dreams to do something remarkable for the country.

Wasn't it soon after that you threw yourself to the real world, dressed formally to every job interview. Accepted here. Rejected there. You knew never to settle until the one opportunity you set your mind on came, and it welcomed you with a warm embrace and a hard punch. The job that gave you the greatest feeling of accomplishment but also the worst wave of despair. The job, above all, was the perfect learning experience for a former university student turned student of life. 

Wasn't it this career you finally had that made you realize how much society needed help? How injustice prevails and poverty is widespread. You find yourself studying more about issues and reading about laws. You remember your goals in college and realize you want to be much more than what you thought you wanted to be. You suddenly say no to dates to those silly boys, because you find yourself physically tired from a day's work yet reserving that energy to make sure you do something to be better the next day.

Wasn't being trained by the very best both back in college and now in work that reminded you never gave up and you went through it? You were trained to face rigor as much as accomplishing triumph. You find yourself silent when a great journalist or linguist would correct you, knowing that making a certain mistake now won't be bad especially if you're determined to make it your last. You find yourself smiling widely when the best in the fields commend you, making you feel you're capable of much more. But none of these won't dampen your strive to become better, smarter, stronger.

Maybe you aren't as glamorous or rich as what he had in mind. But you earned your own money and had to work your way to where you are, which I'll remind you that you still have a long way to go before you call yourself a success. You find yourself embarrassed that you still commute or don't have your own place but you will get there. There is nothing embarrassing with the little means you have when you know you have the potential to gain more--and others see that. He never saw that because he never was in your place.

Honey, he never knew what hardship was and he never had brilliance, either.

Maybe you never had the idyllic life but you have one filled with adventures no guy can promise you but yourself, only because you chose to go further with your abilities and opportunities. He may not want to chase you anymore, but what guy can chase you to how far you've brought yourself to? Would he say the same for himself?

To Gill with the unbroken spirit, hammer this in your head more. You had goals but you learned there was much more to them. You had opportunities but you learned not to settle for the first open door--just like that guy you thought was all you wanted when you know there's so much more than him worth discovering and maybe, opening up to.

To Gill with the broken heart, you may think your heart broke but it never did. It stood against all challenges of this year and it will withstand other challenges more. It never deserved his love and he didn't deserve your heart that loved the country more.

He said he wasn't ready for you but the world? It has always been ready for your desire to make a difference.

Hair and There

March 28, 2019

It's been a while since I featured an archived post of mine from old blogs but since it's Thursday, I thought to do this #Throwbackthursday post featuring this post about that one chapter in my life I had short hair!

This was a post from three years back to when I experienced probably one of the worst heartbreaks of my life. I guess the "heartbreak haircut" is real! Yet, re-reading this old post reminded me that it isn't just snipping my locks out of hurt but preparing myself for big change. Enjoy :)

Hair and There

Not every girl will share this same sentiment, but I have always hated the salons. I never feel pampered going there; I just only imagine horror music playing in the air as my anxiety rises up whenever I get even just a trim. Goddamn, I can paint my own nails and cut my own bangs without paying a ridiculous amount. Little did I know, though, that the one place I loathed would be the very place I will feel real metamorphosis–and ultimately get my money’s worth.

The most liberating feeling I’ve felt was the moment clumps of hair fell to the ground. Gone was the girl with long brown hair that flowed in waves reminiscent of the sea salt on hair after a day in the beach. She disappeared the moment blades kissed her hair–she probably disappeared even before that as barbed wire covered her heart more when he broke it again. The mountain of hair forming beneath the salon chair means I am free from all the personal baggage I once had. Not only were my own gone, but also the baggage he left me with before he took the easy flight out from my life. The swift movement of steel scissors makes a sound upon touching my hair, reminding me that there would be change soon…

And I’ll be okay.

Never  have I ever looked so light–and even felt like it. I don’t look as grim and dark anymore. My shoulders felt weird because it suddenly felt the wind better; I never even noticed air blew my way! For me, it felt like for the longest time I was suffocating for the lack of oxygen here on land…or maybe drowning in way too much of it along with hydrogen if it were the waters. Odd as it sounds, but it was as if I was recharged and renewed. It surprised me that I would be conscious enough to want to cut my hair that short, but it will only raise higher up…

The first haircut was for loss: losing everything that I thought was important and dear to me. The second and most recent one is for gain: the self-love and self-confidence I started to acquire again. This change was for me to be better. It was for me to not be afraid of risks. This hair I have now is shorter and a bit edgier; a far cry from the girly Rapunzel locks I sported my whole life and the long bob that seemed more sophisticated. A far cry from the hair I kept long for men who loved it. If long hair was the hand gesture that tells you to come closer and lures you in with the stereotypical feminine attractiveness, my short hair is the big FUCK YOU sign to that conformity, then.

Once in a while, I do miss the long hair. But do I ever regret going through two major chops in less than a span of two months? Not even. Hair grows from loss just like we all do. It’s involuntary and we cannot help it and it’s inevitable. It’s only natural. It will keep growing until we have more dead cells to shave off and embrace another change in our lives.


Fresh na Fresh: The One Foundation Worth the Hype

March 20, 2019

I only learned to appreciate foundation/base makeup later in my lifetime of being obsessed with makeup. I only wore liquid foundation once throughout my teens (MAC PA) and I hated how heavy and cakey it looked. I rediscovered it in college, fell in love, but knew whatever I used wasn't totally perfect.

But using the right foundation, I discovered that I felt prettier, BRIGHTER, and magical. All the times I used foundation, I only loved it because it worked for me to an extent, but never all the way.

But this feeling of foundation not making effort is over for I finally found the most BIGATIN, BONGGA FUNDA EVER.

L'Oreal Infallible Freshwear 24 Hour Foundation

I've always been intrigued with this product especially after Tati raved about it.

I'll be honest: I already tested the L'Oreal Infallible Freshwear 24 Hour foundation prior to these pictures and absolutely loved it. Unfortunately, I didn't take pics of the first few times I tried it but here are some documentation I made when I decided to do a formal review.

This is what the foundation looked like when I freshly applied it. I used Nichido Final Powder in Creamy Glow to set it.  Feel na feel ko pa makeup ko! Time check: 7:30AM

This was taken when it was almost 3PM--more than seven hours later! Mind you, I endured heavy commute in the  morning heading to a coverage in Adriatico, commuted again to DOH, and then commuted again to Intramuros. Only blotted my face right before I took this selfie so I must say it's quite impressive!

This final check up shot on my foundation was taken a little over 9PM. The foundation obviously faded a bit but in person, it still looked decent and just needed a little blot. MAS NAUNA BUMIGAY EYELINER AT SHADOW KO!Almost 14 hours of funda wear in this Philippine weather and traffic? Super sold! (Also, don't mind the lumpia. I was really hungry then)
Here's a rundown on things I observed with the foundation:

  • It doesn't have a straight-up matte finish but this satiny one that makes me look like ang ganda ng skincare routine ko.
  • Despite the non-matte finish, it smooths over my pores! Insta-filter!
  • It sets pretty quickly so you better work fast with your application. Tried it with a beautyblender, cushion sponge, silicone sponge, and fingers and they all worked well for me. I prefer using a dense blending brush since it maximizes the coverage that way.
  • I used primer the very first time I used it but the next times I used it--including this time of review--I didn't use anything to prime my face. Tibay!
  • My shade is Radiant Sand, which is a touch darker than my skintone. Totally my fault here but it doesn't look that bad. Having a light powder or mixing it with a little lighter foundation worked for me. 
  • It oxidizes a bit and if you use the wrong type of powder, the shade will look yellowy! (I used it a few times with my Kris Aquino x Ever Bilena Matte Powder Foundation in Lifetime and I LOOKED LIKE I USED TURMERIC POWDER TO SET MY FACE BY THE END OF THE DAY)
  • The shade range is so bad here locally. Radiant Sand is already the darkest shade available.
  • It obviously won't last for 24 Hours but it fades quite evenly and beautifully. Your skin won't look like the map of the world after the end of the day.
Wet hair, don't care. But look! Is my foundation there? (Sorry, I love rhymes hahaha)

One of the things I love about this foundation is that it's pretty versatile. Bake your face with a loose setting powder and you have a durable matte base. My favorite way to set my face, though, is using a baked powder that's a little on the glowy side because it looks like my skin, but better. In the photo above, I used MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural in Medium Plus lightly dusted on my face. It kinda mimics the look of having a great skin day as opposed to having heavy foundation. Love love love!

The L'Oreal Infallible Freshwear 24 Hour Foundation is now my favorite product from the brand to date. I was already impressed with their Color Riche Matte Lipsticks (Review here) and agreed with the hype on the Lash Paradise mascara (Review here).

Soaring My Wings

February 10, 2019


It has been a year now since I first lead a journey which started out with finding jobs and doing post-grad business until I drove off-course to an unexpected career path. Yup, I may not be a stressed out, thesis-arrested student anymore but my priorities have been replaced with much gargantuan ones from typical Filipino ones("How will I provide for my family?") to existential ones("What is my true purpose of living now?")to random ones("Can spending on a can of beer help cope with my adulting?").

I can only imagine how I was exactly a year ago: I was a girl with so much big goals yet, have no idea how to get there considering I just left the confines of school. My whole life has always been about schoolwork and then one day, I'm out and exposed to the real world? Scary!


A year since leaving my beloved DLSU has changed me. While my 4 year education as armed me with knowledge in my chosen field of study, it has NOT prepared me to the taxing life of what we call "the real life." I've always been aware of social issues in the country but being in the field of journalism as my first job after college has opened my eyes. It made me learn how looking at the bigger picture isn't just enough--someone has got to do some action.

A year after college, I also learned to appreciate the value of a peso. It's hard to earn money and it devastates me how money earned can easily disappear because of everyday expenses. Even back when I was still studying, I've always been quite thrifty since I don't get much baon everyday. I learned that earning my money now, even if it isn't much, has blinded me into thinking that I can treat myself. I guess it's one of my mistakes for 2018 because money earned doesn't always mean money needs to be spent.

Between this time last year and now, I also struggled with trying to make people take me seriously. So many times, all I hear is that I'm just a young reporter who will probably resign soon. I'm just some girl who didn't have to be in my place right now because I was "pampered" in college. Truth be told, I really worked hard to get to where I am and I have yet to stop that because I know real progress is slow. In college, I also experienced trials as a scholar and as someone who wasn't rich. It's hard to shake off assumptions some fellow colleagues make of me but as long as I get the work done, that's all that matters.

The most valuable thing I learned as a real contributor to the labor force is that no matter how impossible, I can get things done. So many tight deadlines and impossible tasks have gone my way and when I get them done, I just jump up and squeal in happiness(Yes, in public). It's that small(well, actually, sorta not that small)feeling of accomplishment that I live for--and the lessons that come with it. I learned never to internally dismiss challenges that are seemingly impossible because life has its funny ways and I have my own capability to deliver.

A lot of people expected me to quit so I was really happy that time a few months ago I reached half a year in my job

More importantly, in this one year since walking away from DLSU, I found out that not everything will be ideal. I'll be covering a labor rally under the hot sun; I'll be commuting to the most random of places at 11PM; I'll not eat food because I don't have time or there aren't any places around; I'll have not so good moments with some terrible personalities; and not everyone will be impressed with everything I do. I'm not saying everything should go my way but since it never does anyway, would I do nothing about it? Absolutely not! I learned to adapt and to be honest, I still am trying to adapt as much as possible because situations I'm are different everyday.

I knew I signed up for this life that is far from being in the comforts of being safe inside an office and knowing a canteen with freshly cooked food is within my reach.

Interviewed labor leaders last week for work, after covering a labor protest. (Photo copyright of Ms. Eva Arcos of ALU-TUCP)
I learned also to rely on myself too. I had a family in college who consisted of my blockmates. Suddenly not having that support everyday has posed a challenge for me. Many times, I wish I can run to my friends about problems with work or adulting in general but I am aware that even they themselves are figuring things out themselves. Lots of times, it has been lonely too because being the only journalist out of my educator or businessmen friends, I would feel no one would relate. I would instead value time with myself as my type of therapy. These days, I prefer spending therapeutic time.

It's been one year and as much as it felt like forever between those 12 months of pursuing my goals and learning lots of lessons, it also felt as if it's only a blink. I also believe that since it's only been a year, I really only have just begun my life in the real world.

I think I can say that in one year, I lead quite a fruitful and eventful life but I know I'll be experiencing even more exciting stuff in the future and this time, without fear.