Dear Mr. Who

September 30, 2021


Dear Mr. Who,

Mr. Who? Who are you exactly? You could be anyone and I know you're real. I would have already known you or maybe I haven't yet. But whoever you are, that Mr. Who I'll eventually love, I want you to read this and follow intently.

If you happen to plan on coming my way, I beg of you don't. Please turn away if you plan to pursue my heart and win over my affection. Go chase some other lady who is readily available and will return these feelings back. I may never do so and time will only tell when I'll be ready again to put my heart out.

Before this letter came along a line of guys who have gone to great lengths in winning my heart but in the end, have distanced themselves when they realize they were not ready for me or anything serious. If you are not gonna fully put your heart on me, please don't even bother to ruin my peace.

 If you know in your heart that I may be the girl for you, please understand that I am not ready to be that girl yet. I am working on being my own person who will become more bulletproof to challenges as she is compassionate to others. 

I'm at this stage in my life where I finally draw the line and say "Okay, maybe I don't want to put my heart out there anymore." I gave it a chance and I gave myself, with the help of others, a push to finally open up to this feeling to love again. But I'm tired and I want to bet all my energy on something where I come out the winner: my personal growth.

I've been feeling more vulnerable lately after a lot of struggles bigger than what I can handle came my way. But in all these gargantuan challenges came also some opportunities I waited years for. These doors are leading not only to my passion but also to my purpose. While I am experiencing some agonizing lows, I'm also soaring to heights I only dreamt of.

I want someday that when you do cross my path and I happen to open my doors to my heart again, I am already the person I aspire to be. I will be that whole person who has overcome the challenges that shaped who she is--take it or leave it. 

Dear Mr. Who, I'm telling you that I am not yet ready for you...And I don't think you will ever be surely ready for me right now.

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