Teacher Gill: A Life-Changing Experience (Practicum/Practice Teaching in the Real World)

October 06, 2018

It's been more than a year since I first stepped into the grounds of my practicum site as Teacher Gill. For Teacher's Day, I just want to look back at one of the most life-changing experiences for me: that time I was a teacher for a whole term.

My practicum did not only give me this Action Research thesis but tons of life lessons as well.

When I chose BSE-ENG as my first course in DLSU, I would never thought in a million years that it would lead me to teaching. First, I seem more blinded by the ENG part(especially with the Literature and Linguistics majors offered)more than the BSE part. Second, I was slated to go to the Journalism-MassCom route already opened for me in other universities had my opportunity in DLSU not came up.

Little did I know some years later, I would experience probably the most taxing yet rewarding part of my college life.

If I were to summarize my best experiences in college prior to my practicum, I'd say it would be taking some of the most unique courses with the best professors or research trips to other universities' libraries or even the Happy Thursdays in Taft and Katip. So far, this practicum, which funny enough happened in  my last term in DLSU, was the most memorable of all college memories. I don't know any other experience of my college life that has made me open my eyes more 'til this.

I realize that I learned so much within a term more than I learned my entire stay in DLSU. Prior to practicum, they'd teach us theories and strategies and other things a teacher must know. It's a different ball park once you enter the actual teaching world. As much as all of the knowledge I learned in my Professional Education subjects taught me, many times I felt clueless.There are things that aren't taught in school that a budding teacher will have to learn and experience in his/her practicum.

Photo taken last year during Teacher's Day. Doesn't the quote fully embody what a teacher really is?<3 td="">

One of the things that hit close to me was learning what my students go through personally. My students know I'm pretty strict with my rubric for grading essays, but little did they know I find myself relating to their essays despite some technical difficulties. I learned so much of my students who are going through a lot emotionally. There were students who tell me through their essays about their depression. suicidal tendencies, and anxieties.

It's something that breaks my heart to this day, especially when I had one student who took her life. It made me feel I could've done more as an educator who also is going through so much herself.

In my own way, I give advice to my students. It warms my heart that I have students who trust me when they share about their stories, from their crushes to their family life! After all, I myself came from a broken home and also have my fair share of crushes!

In checking their essays, I give personal and constructive advice!

Another thing I really loved about my practicum is that it helped me heal. Last year, I was going through so much. I have to admit that there were times during my practicum, especially during the first few weeks, I excused myself out of the class just to cry in the girls' bathroom. I would think "Am I strong enough for this?" because I have to face these kids everyday and try to be a strong role model. I guess I survived and having a good but professional relationship with my students has helped me learn that there was more to life than just dwell on my ongoing pain.

I learned to show my brave face to my students. They themselves are going through a lot and while they didn't have to know what I'm going through, I have to show that it's never alright to give myself an excuse to wilt or show I'm in pain.

One of the gifts my students gave me was this first aid kit HAHAHAHA witty

One of the most valuable lessons I learned was patience. Of course, you deal with students who are noisy or slow learners but you try not to make it irk you. Instead, you do what you can to improve. I think this patience is still something that I bring with me to this day, because not only do I learn to look at situations in a different perspective but also learn how to turn it for the best.


My favorite moments in my practicum were seeing how immensely creative and talented my students were! They're so clever in so many ways, from simple learning outputs to their Speech Choir in which I witnessed them invest their hearts and efforts on. I admire my students so much for all of this because it reminded me of Gardner's Multiple Intelligence theory. My students all excel in many things and it need not to be studies only.

I recall having a really magulo student who admitted he can't keep up with his more difficult subjects but when he wrote poetry? My gosh! I also recall another student who is really shy and quiet but when she writes, her imagination is really out of this world. I could go on and on with each of my students and their amazing talents!

It makes me beam as a teacher because I know my students will do great in the future.

Lowkey wished my student's work was turned into a series hihi


Lastly, I learned that it takes teamwork to become an effective teacher. I really wouldn't have survived my practicum without some of my awesome blockmates and friends, who are all now teachers! While the students I taught impacted me so much in my life, my fellow practice teachers have also helped me become the educator I became today.

With the people who also made my life as Teacher Gill very special!!!

Happy Teacher's Day to all the educators out there! Whether practicing or not! All of us are teachers to someone in some way.

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