Blogging, It's Nice to Meet You Again

April 27, 2017

Let's cut the introductions; I like getting down into business. I find myself too wary at times and especially in a medium like this, my guard is off the roof. Let's just say I'm quite familiar with the blogging even if it feels kinda foreign typing my first post, in a new blog, after what seemed like ages.

I started blogging regularly when I was in high school and handled around 4 accounts, from personal to fangirl (*cringes*). My first blogspot was my first personal blog where I shared daily accounts of my life, from the irrelevant to the even more eye-rolling. I also wrote humorously about current events and gossip. I shared my favorite music which was deemed too weird in the high school I went to. I kept that running for a few years until I decided to move on to Tumblr (Shhhhh don't tell anyone lol). That personal Tumblr of mine was where I poured my thoughts, writing, and ideas until last year.

Last year, I experienced the worst online hack of my life. I felt personally violated because my social media accounts were not only accessed but some--such as my beloved blog--was locked away from me forever, unable to be recovered again. I couldn't find it in my heart then to forgive whoever did it because it was such a violation to my roots as a blogger and writer. Imagine drafts of poetry, letters...all lost. I didn't have the will to ever start from where I lost--least until today.

I chose the name "A Gill and A Way" as to show if there is a will, there IS a way. I was a blogger for quite a while then. I believed blogging coped with the difficulties I had in High School and college, only to feel like I was robbed of that security last year. Here I am now, though: strong, fearless and ready to share my thoughts and life through blogging again. name is Gillian Cortez and it's nice to meet you again, Blogging. 

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